McLord Selasi Azalekor
Plant-based diets, which focus predominantly on foods derived from plants like vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds, often exclude meat, dairy, and sometimes other animal products. But how beneficial are these diets?
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McLord Selasi Azalekor
Insomnia, the bane of many a night, can feel like an unsolvable puzzle. Let's look at some practical steps to reclaim the night and enhance your sleep quality.
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McLord Selasi Azalekor
Why eating before bed can negatively impact your health, from disrupting sleep quality to causing weight gain and digestive issues. Learn the effects of late-night eating and tips to improve your habits for better overall well-being.
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If illegal mining activities continue unchecked, Ghana will face a severe talent exodus, rising rural-urban migration, and higher costs for drinking water.
Without immediate action, these consequences are inevitable, threatening the nation’s future. Discover the real price you'll pay due to illegal mining and why urgent action is needed.
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