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Home / Business & Finance / Type of People to Associate With for Successful Life and Business - Dr. Daniel McKorley

Type of People to Associate With for Successful Life and Business - Dr. Daniel McKorley

2024-09-30  James Nartey

Dr. Daniel McKorley, Executive Chairman at McDan Group, at the CEDI CONFERENCE, shared key insights he had gained from his interactions with various types of people as a businessman. He categorized them into three distinct groups.

Dr. McKorley highlighted the type or group of people he would encourage the youth to belong to if they truly want to succeed in life. He discussed not only financial success but also a prosperous life overall, including business field.

Group or type of people to associate with for a successful life.

"In my line of work in the oil and gas, mining, aviation, and shipping industries, I get to meet loads of different people daily.

Some are just thinkers, some are just doers. Some run multi-million-dollar companies, and others are just getting started.
And out of these people that I have met, the most successful ones always find a blend of ideas and execution. They are both thinkers and doers.

They all understand that they need the right mix of idea, timing and execution to make a successful business. 
For you, understand that two skills are a requirement for your success.

I’m not saying this is the only way that will enable success, but this is what you need to see to confidently know that your success is around the corner".

2024-09-30  James Nartey

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